Thin Stock Picking Trolley
Specially modified stock picking trolley. Perfect for use in narrow aisles and tight spaces.
We are able to modify, create and design unique solutions for you.
Our products are designed and manufactured to make life easier in the workplace for everyone that uses them. More than not, we have a standard trolley that’s perfect for the job, but there are those rare times when something unique is required. We have customised trolleys for years for all sorts of purposes. If you need it, we can make it.
There’s a purposeful and particular reason for almost every design aspect of the trolleys we build; understanding that is part of what makes us the best in the business!
Get in touch with us to discuss your custom trolley today:
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Call: 010 271 4157
Whatsapp: 067 416 4788
54 Innes Road, Jet Park, GP

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